hot air balloon


  • Hot Air Balloon flights are very overwhelming and landscape from the above is delightfully charming. You will sense the complete calm and peace. And float smoothly with the wind as the balloon floats with it through the orchards and vineyards beneath your basket.  
  • You will reach an altitude of 50 m or above with the Balloon. Be amazed by the highly attractive scenery  of snow covered Caucasus Mountains and its Valleys as the balloon reaches heights and even  you will able to speak the people as balloon goes to low altitudes.
  • And the after the landing as a guest you will get a traditional treat of initiation where you will be having a glass of champagne and awarding ceremony of diplomas and commemorative badges.

Mukhrani Valley

Starting point for the Balloon flights will be Mukhrani Valley which is situated just outside of Tbilisi, near to Mtskheta the old capital of Georgia. Mukhrani remains sunny for 260 days through out the whole year offering lots of landing spaces and a broad network of country roads makes is most suitable for balloon flights. 

Alazani Valley

Alazani valley is known it’s unique beauty and the intersection for all Georgian tourist routes with a stretch of 100 km along with southern slope of the Great Caucasus mountain range.


Mode of Flight: Individual

Number of Individuals: 1-3 passengers

Mukhrani Valley: US$850

Alazani Valley: US$950

Group flights:

Number of flight: 5-24 passengers

Price: US$245 per person 

Book your Sky Trip in Georgia Now with ARTtours.

Call/Whatsapp: +995 551 592641

Contact Person: NATA