Fishing and Hunting Tours

Fishing and Hunting Tours​

Georgia is know as a favorable destination for Big and Small Hunting Games. In Georgia where are migratory bird points with more than 30 different kinds of birds near its borders, which is excellent seasonal hunting opportunity for hunting sport. 

If to say about hunting activities of other animals and birds, there are special hunting farms allowing hunting across different parts of Georgia forest locations. 

Also Georgian lakes and rivers splurge with an enormous variety of fish species. Major ones are trout, common carp, vendace, chub, crucian carp, silver carp, bighead carp and barbel.

Some of the Popular Fishing Spots around Georgia are:

  • Tkibuli and Shaori reservoirs.
  • Paliastomi and Paravani lakes.
  • lake resorts Lopota and Kvareli.
  • Alazani and Aragvi rivers.
  • Black Sea coast of Samegrelo region.
  • Anaklia.
  • Fish farms near Kutaisi and Kazbegi.
  • lake resorts Lopota and Kvareli.

 Alazani and Aragvi rivers are famous for catfish and carp. And Fish farms near Kutaisi and Kazbegi, and lake resorts Lopota and Kvareli, are paid fishing spots. 

The fishing equipment on rent facility is available there, So make sure that you catch a fish on the line.