Mtskheta-Mtianeti Region

Mtskheta-Mtianeti Region

Mtskheta-Mtianeti is a region of Georgia which includes the town of Mtskheta.

Population: 94,370

Regional capital: Mtskheta


Popular Tourist activities and Attractions in Gudauri:

Popular activities in the Mtskheta-Mtianeti region for youth and experienced sportsmen are:

  • Paragliding.
  • Ski-touring.
  • Snowmobiling
  • Sightseeing tours

Some Popular outdoor activities include:

  • Trekking and hiking.
  • Bird-watching.
  • Horse riding.
  • Mountain biking.
  • Bike downhill races.
  • White water river rafting.
  • Fishing, mountaineering,
  • Rock climbing
  • Camping.
  • Helicopter skiing in the Caucasus Mountains for heli-skiers.

The most amazing experience start at 4500 m  of the summit glaciers at the 5047 m of Mt. Kazbegi.

Summer programs are combined of summer skiing during April-May and late June.

Accommodations for groups are available at the ski-hut (2650 m). Ski-lifts drops at 3300 M peaks which is amazing Scene between winter snow and summer grassland.


In Gudauri you can also enjoy the summer season.

Popular tourism activities in Summers in Gudauri: 

  • Trekking tours in Truso and Khada Valleys.
  • Horseback riding trips to beautiful Keli Lake located on a volcanic plateau.
  • The bird watching.
  • Rafting and more.

Popular Resorts and National Parks:

  • Gudauri Resort.
  • Kazbegi National Park.

What are some popular tourist places in the MTSKHETA-MTIANETI region?

  • Snow Fortress.
  • Gergeti Trinity Church.
  • Shatili.
  • The Truso Valley.
  • Svetitskhoveli.
  • Mtskheta Cross Monastery(JVARI).
  • Samtavro.
  • Zedazeni Monastery.
  • Shiomghvime Monastery Complex.
  • Tsilkani.
  • Ananuri.
  • Bethlehem cave.